Thursday, September 30, 2004

Congratulations, ya'll

Yay for everyone who sang in the Junior song tonight, I love you all. Everyone knows that we beat the seniors, but oh well. It's only important that WE know in our hearts that we conquered all. ;) Too bad about the float. 30+ hours spent working on that awesome thing, and the judges gyped us pretty bad. But again, what can ya do? It's too bad, but we really came together on that one and ended up with something pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. Plus, it was an awesome adventure. Late nights, power tools, and giant food. You can't really go wrong! Bring on senior year, because we'll definitely have the winning ideas by then. So now what time is it? Time to relax and have a good time, of course. No more huge responsibilities and plenty of exciting things to do to conclude homecoming week. DANCE PARTY TOMORROW NIGHT!! WHOO HOO! Good work everyone. Bring on the fun ;)

Monday, September 27, 2004

Just a Warning

I am not very nice. I mean, really, I am a bitch, and this is a totally new world for me. I assure you, though, that in about 2 weeks, I should be back to my normal self. 1.) Homecoming=stress, and 2.) That damn PMS thing. Maybe that was an overshare, and I apologize if you thought it was, but it's true, and everyone deserves fair warning. I will sulk around. I will cry. And I will yell. It's just the way things are. As Helen says in Sliding Doors, "I am a woman. We don't always say what we want, but we do reserve the right to get pissed off when we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating, if not a little bit scary." I'm sure any observant person can add plenty of other things to a list of what makes women "fascinating, if not a little bit scary," and the way I'm behaving at the moment would be one of them. I apologize, but I feel that it's slightly beyond my control. I also feel that I've spent way too much of my life being polite to people who screw me over. So that's enough of THAT. (Wow. That is even bitchier than I originally thought. But where do you get by not letting people know how you feel? Nowhere.)

Now it's time that I share the quote of the week.
"You know, I have no clue what this guy looks like. But I have this feeling, that if I looked in the dictionary, under P-R-I-C-K, I would see a picture."
(yes, Patti is my hero)

The end of homecoming week will be bittersweet. I am so excited about this week every year, and I love al lthe energy and everything, but at the same time it will be a relief to have it all over with, and have all my responsibilites taken care of. Although there have been several stressful moments so far, I am still insanely proud of everything we've accomplished. We had our first meeting for the song (for Wausau Eve) tonight, and it was soo much better than I even expected. After Thursday night, I will be so relieved, hopefully more that it went well than that it's over! We have a lot of talent in our class, though, and people should be pretty damn impressed. Whew. What a day. A little bit of anger, but lots of accomplishments as well.

And guess what? I'm going to make a pretty important phone call. It might just turn everything around. Let's hope so. ;)

Friday, September 24, 2004

The Night of the Inevitable

It happened. And I'm a such a wuss.

There's only one thing that makes sense to me right now, and strangely enough it's the most illogical, backwards quote there is.

"How come no matter how much you treat me like shit, I can't help loving you even more?"
Trish, Happiness

How sad.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Check Us Out

Oh how excited I am about homecoming. The float is well on it's way to being done. We have most of the materials we need for our locker bank. The songs are written. The t-shirts are printed, and they are SWEET, if I do say so myself. *a sigh of relief* This weekend is going to be pretty cool too, because, well, my parents are going out of town! YAHOO! We get to spend all day perfecting everything and then most likely having a party, just because parties are fun. I really wish my parents would let me stay home alone over night, because that would be so much easier, but oh well. I get to sleepover at a house full of boys, so that can't be ALL bad, right? I don't mind staying there at all, I'd just so much rather be home. I like my own bed quite a lot. I've also been informed that my family is going to Illinois for a long weekend sometime soon, and that I have the option to not go! As much as I have always liked visiting there, I get really lonely now, because when our families do things together, we can't stop our lives just to hang out. That means that we go there and sit around while they're at practice, or at work, and thats understandble, but very boring. I have plenty of things to do here all by myself, I will need a break from other people by the time that weekend rolls around. Did I already say that I'm oh so excited for next week? HOMECOMING WEEK!? 6 days...and the countdown begins...

Well, here's to a great day. Did I really just say that? Yes. It's been a great day. Watch out Wednesday, here I come. ;)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

So Proud

Whew, what a day. I am so proud of everyone from our class that contributed to our float-building today. We have an almost-complete, gigantic grocery cart, and it is beautiful, if I do say so myself. No one fought, everyone listened to the ideas other people had, and we accomplished a ton of stuff. It's an incredible thing. A huge weight has been lifted from my list of things to worry about, and I can rest easy knowing that we will be completely set for next week. Hallelujah.
This week will be busy. Very busy. There are tennis meets, meetings, and giant food items to be made. It's all fun stuff though, as long as school doesn't get in the way! I'm slightly concerned about my pre-calc test, and I am totally not into Ms. Landretti's choice of The Crucible, but overall, the week should be alright.
My last posts have been super long, so I'm going to end this right

Oh shoot. I always forget SOMETHING. Gesala updated her webpage! That's been a highlight of this pretty good day as well, so go visit ;)

Saturday, September 18, 2004


First of all, I should have gone to sleep about an hour ago, so I apologize ahead of time for any typos or random babbling.
Half of my face is sunburned. Yes. HALF. The left side of my face is nice and red, and the right side, well, isn't. That's what you get for standing in the same spot for 6 hours. That and a really sore back. I worked concessions for Junior Girls at the Smiley Invitational from 7 a.m. until 1:30 this afternoon, and although we made tons of moola, it was a loooooong morning. I had been previously informed that every runner that finishes the race throws up. So when I get to the Legion and discover the concession stand to be mere feet away from the finish line, I'm sure you can imagine how much I was dreading being there. The good news, however, is that the only type of illness I witnessed was a girl that was semi-passed out, and no vomit was involved there, so I am quite thankful for that. I felt pretty bad for her, though, but I saw her later in the day and she was looking healthy. Thank goodness. I'm glad that the fundraiser was successful, and now we don't have to raise any more money! HOORAY! Now comes all the fun stuff, such as food tasting, picking out colors and songs, and dress shopping...whoo hoo. Oh yeah, and I almost forgot that I have to ask someone to go to that dance with me. That's a tough one.
What else has happened lately? Ah ha, Thursday night was a crazy adventure in Steven's Point, with Jenna and the Rachels. It all started when Mapquest gave me some difficult directions, and I directed Jenna the wrong way, and we ended up missing the whole first half of the soccer game, stopped FOUR times for directions, and got a complete tour of Steven's Point. We were almost killed three times (The others would beg to differ with me, and say that it was only twice, but really, it was three), and really, it was a well-needed break from Wausau and the school week. I needed to get my mind off everything school-related, and those girls really help out with that. They make everything a lot happier for me.
Last night was the football game against D.C.E., and really, what can you expect when you go up against the state champions? Those boys held their own though, and played better than they have in the last couple games, and of course we still love them all anyway. You win some, lose some, and stand proud through both. The Fan Van, of course, was all decked out with Lumberjack Pride, and there's never a dull moment when that thing is in motion. We've established a tradition of watching the highlights at my house after the game, and THAT tradition in turn has established another one, of trying super hard to get on the news! Next week, there will be Highlight Zone/Jocko t-shirts, so we will certainly work our way up to being regulars on channel 7. We are the number one fans, after all ;)
Tomorrow starts float construction, and so far, it will be awesome. I'm keeping a positive, cooperative attitude, and hopefully that makes things easier. That starts tomorrow morning at 11 a.m., though, so it's about time I head out.

Hasta luego, amigas y extranjeros.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I'm exhausted. Everything about the past week or so has absolutely drained me. I really need to be playing some tennis, because I would be a lot less tense if I could release some stress that way. It helps a lot to hit things. Because of a lot of strange happenings lately, though, we haven't been able to practice. I'll put that on my list of stuff to do this weekend.
I figured out that after about 3rd hour, my day gets lonely. I wasn't exactly sure where it was kicking in, but that's pretty close. Maybe history 4th hour isn't too bad, but then definitely by 5th hour, everything seems to go down hill. It has a lot to do with who I see, when I see them, and what they're doing when I see them. Sorry, but vagueness is necessary. I also get very annoyed when I go to a resource to STUDY, and there are double the amount of people supposed to be in there and there are stupid freshmen that think they can take my seat after lunch. I sit in the same spot everyday, it was their fault that they were late. It seems like a trend lately; not having anywhere to sit. Another contributing factor to the lonely days. Maybe I'm just not seeing Senora K enough now; she added a lot of the sunshine that I'm missing now. Looks like I'll be spending 7th hour in her room more often, maybe that will help. (More time around Patti wouldn't hurt either.)
On a more positive note, I have felt like I'm accomplishing a lot lately. For student council especially, I've been running erands all over the place and getting a lot of stuff taken care of. Shirts are designed (that took WAY too long), ideas for our Grocery Store are plentiful, and we have a plan for our fundraiser. Other than student council, there's already been almost two weeks of school, and I haven't procrastinated yet! All my homework has been done in a good amount of time, and I even studied for my Bio-IB quiz! YAY! Let's hope this weird, being-prepared thing lasts.

That's all at the moment, besides the fact that I just realized how ugly this season's cast of the Real World is. It's not too bad to watch attractive people hooking up, but this just isn't working for me. Good thing it isn't my favorite show or anything. Speaking of my favorite show, Everwood was super, and next week will be even better. Hooray for Amy and Ephram! Even though I know in my heart that I'M the only one for him, it's still exciting... ;)

Well, goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Welcome to the Junior Class Grocery Store!

The class meeting is over, thank goodness. Besides the lack of microphone, things didn't go too bad. It really helps to be organized and have everyone know what they're supposed to be saying before we go in front of 300 or so people! The vote was close, but Grocery Store came in about 20 votes above Olympics. It's a relief to have that over with, and we now have two weeks to work like crazy and pull something together. As long as we have enough people working on it, everything should go smoothly. We have plenty of ideas to go around and hopefully some pretty dedicated people so far to make it all work. It's been an adventure in itself just finding foods to make sayings out of. "We'll put those Rangers in a PICKLE." Haha, that's a riot, now, isn't it?
Today didn't go as I had planned. A junior girls meeting scheduled for yesterday was changed to today, and that totally put a crimp in my Everwood Premiere Night. Thanks to our new VCR/DVD player (oooh how high tech), though, it was taped for me, so that was a relief. I have yet to watch it, but I know it will be simply wonderful. It's been a long summer without Ephram. I miss that guy when he's not around! A few other random things were weird today, such as the fact that I felt like crap (for the first time in a long time) for most of the day, the chiropractor did this weird new thing to my achin' back, and I didn't have to keep track of Frosh voting at lunch like I was expecting. Everything was just a little out of wack. Overall, though, it was strangely not too bad of a day. I wore the capris that I really like, we get to start creating our own grocery store, and the Packers are up 24 to 7. Hopefully tomorrow is a little less weird, but just as good wouldn't hurt. ;)

Oh, yeah, and WICKER PARK, is just about the best movie ever. Josh Hartnett is in it, it's a twisted thriller/love story, and he cries multiple times. Need I say more? It was amazing.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Forgot Something...

Two posts in a span of 45 minutes. Jeeze.

But I've been thinking about it all day, so I better write about it.

Today is September 11th, 2004. That means that three years ago, it was September 11th, 2001. And we all know what that means. First of all, I completely respect that it was a horrific day, and that thousands upon thousands of people are still mourning. I totally understand. The thing I've been thinking about though, is that I saw 3+ talk shows and/or news programs today, on which they were interviewing people who lost loved ones on that day. If I had lost someone in an event like that, it would haunt me every single day. I don't think I would need a special day every year to dwell on it and relive it and point out how horrible it was. Especially the ceremony that President Bush held this morning, it just seems like overkill to me. I can understand a year after it, and then probably 5 or 10 years later, but every single year? How many years in a row of having such heartwrenching ceremonies and memorials is enough? By this time, I would just be so tired of talking about it and ready to start moving on. I also completely disagree with the use of 9/11 as some kind of advantage that the President seems to think he has over his opponents. I don't think that it was a political issue and it shouldn't be made into one. It was an act of hate and terror that could have happened under any president, and for Bush to say that he is stronger because he led the country through it is just bullshit to me. It's disrespectful to use an event like that, as well as other peoples pain, to get ahead in a political campaign. Completely disgusts me. Anyway, I don't know where my thoughts on that put me. Anyone agree? Anyone think I'm being insensetive? Leave a comment or two, would ya?

The Day of the Tiny Baby

All afternoon, I was lucky enough to be holding a beautiful 5 day old baby. I had never ever seen a baby that small. Even after Isaac was born, we didn't see him until he was about two weeks old, and THAT seemed pretty little to me. Nicholas (yes, that was the baby) was so small and warm and cuddly, and I didn't want to give him back, even six hours later. I know that this will change the minute I have to wake up at 3:00 a.m. for my own tiny baby (and I can safely say I have a good 10 or so years before that happens), but I don't know how anyone who gets to hold and take care of something that little and beautiful could ever be unhappy. I was absolutely in heaven.
What else did I do today? I slept in (but not too much), I adored Nicholas for several hours, then went to church with my daddy. (It was probably the best mass of the year tonight. A man from Art In The Park comes and plays clarinet with the choir at this mass every year. It's pretty awesome.) After church, I stopped to drop off milk for my grandpa, took Tommy to his friend's house, and then stopped to look for a movie. The only movie I really wanted to get was Jersey Girl (to watch on a Saturday myself...), but they didn't have it, so in the spirit of being dorky, I came home and did homework for an hour or two. Actually, even though there are only a few people who probably do that (homework on a Saturday night), I would much rather have tomorrow to relax and not have to worry about water molecules, slope of a line, and the Puritans. So there. Dorky and proud of it!
I'm trying to prepare myself for the reactions of our wonderful junior class when I announce to them everything that's changing about homecoming this year. It's really quite a mess, if I do say so myself. This is the year when changes have to be made, however, so hopefully everything works out as planned. All the new ideas are very creative and I like them a lot, but just the building has been an overload of newness; I'm not sure how homecoming renovation will go over. I've also never really addressed our entire class before, apart from my election speech two years ago, so hopefully I'll be as confident about it on Monday as I am now. I suppose that's all on my mind at the moment, until next time, stay classy, all you blog readers. ;)

Friday, September 10, 2004


Is it common to feel completely alone, even when surrounded by people? It's been a week like that, and tonight is the grand finale. I don't have many classes with people I can talk to, so even though there are tons of people around me all day, I feel rather alone most of the time. I can handle that, though, at school, because there's other stuff I need to be paying attention to and putting my efforts into. Nights like this suck, though. I was around friends all night, cheering, having a grand time, and suddenly the lonely feeling hit me like a ton of bricks. I was standing in the stands with all my fellow Eastsiders, tons and tons of people around me, and I wanted nothing more than to just stand there and cry. Actually, I wanted someone to hold my hand and tell me that everything is ok; that I'm NOT alone and that somebody somewhere loves me. Why is that so hard for me to believe? Probably because I didn't expect this. I didn't expect the end, and I didn't anticipate the broken feeling or the lonliness. Can someone please just smack me and tell me to stop whining and get over it? I'd appreciate that.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

We aren't getting stressed, now, are we?

Every year, as school is both starting and ending, I try very hard to just do what I have to do and remain calm. I also try very hard to avoid the stress of others, as that only gets me going as well. So this year, everything is good so far (minus the slight homework overload only at only 2 days in) and that means that I shouldn't be stressed, right? Ha, I wish. I guess I wouldn't go as far as "stressed" yet. I'm really just frustrated, but we all know that eventually frustration, and really any other emotion, can turn into stress very easily. This is my source of frustration: other people. Imagine that! I'm feeling slightly gyped out of the Junior Class President position, at the moment. Sure, homecoming won't be easy this year. Things are changing, new people are in charge, and we have only $20 more in our budget than the freshmen. But hey, we can only make the best of it, can't we? So I spend my super precious time brainstorming and planning and getting organized, and what do I get for it? "YOUR IDEAS ARE HORRIBLE! ROAR!" I know you're probably wondering why I don't love being talked to like that, but I just have to say that I find it utterly disrespectful to slack on your part of a deal and then criticize those that cover for you. There are a lot of things going on that people can't get out of, such as work, and sports, etc., but if you take on a responsibilty, (especially if you're elected to take it on) then you should be capable of fulfilling it. That's all there is to it. I'm not going to work my ass off and then be criticized just because it wasn't YOUR idea that we put into action. Get with the program, Bucko.
My goodness, I apologize for that. Really, I do. So now what? Today was a pretty good day, I suppose. I'm figuring out how to get places in the quickest most efficient ways, and I've also been getting a lot done in my resources. Hopefully that lasts for the rest of the year, because it's nice to only have 4 pre-calc problems to do at night, versus the original 35 or so. Is everybody else starting out on a good note this year? I sure hope so. ;)

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Now THIS is why we look forward to September!

Technically, yesterday was the first day of school. What that means, is that it was the first day we were hearded, somewhat like cattle, into the building, and were all there at once. But today was the real first day of school. I met all my teachers (looking good, so far), found out who else was in all my classes (what happened to the middle school days when all the same people were in all of your classes? All of my classes are small and I'm pretty much with nobody all day), and found all of my classes in time. Surprisingly, there was not mass chaos like I expected. (That was more yesterday, when the cattle situation was taking place) Everyone seemed to find everything alright, and even though I was worried (All day, too! When did I become a big sister...?) about Tommy getting lost and scared, he came out of the building alive at 3:00. Whew. It is guaranteed that I will be hella busy this year, but I've never been too busy before, and maybe actually studying would help in some areas. It's worth a try, I suppose! Besides all the busyness, things are looking okay. It might actually end up being a fairly successful year. Even math could possibly work out. I mean, when on the first day of class your pre-calc teacher refers to the text book as "this big, orange, ugly mother," how bad can things really be? ;)

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The First One

Wow. So I have become a blogger. All this time reading blogs of others, and just now I decided that maybe it sounded like fun. Or at least slightly entertaining to those, like me, who get a kick out of reading about the happenings in other peoples' lives. Isn't there some saying about the people who watch other peoples' lives not having lives of their own? Well, there's a category for me, I suppose. Anyhow, maybe my life isn't as interesting as some of those out there, but I've recently come to be pretty damn happy with it. So sue me. I like being me, and for the first time, I may have some worthwhile things to write here and share with the world. Here goes nothin'. ;)

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