Monday, September 27, 2004

Just a Warning

I am not very nice. I mean, really, I am a bitch, and this is a totally new world for me. I assure you, though, that in about 2 weeks, I should be back to my normal self. 1.) Homecoming=stress, and 2.) That damn PMS thing. Maybe that was an overshare, and I apologize if you thought it was, but it's true, and everyone deserves fair warning. I will sulk around. I will cry. And I will yell. It's just the way things are. As Helen says in Sliding Doors, "I am a woman. We don't always say what we want, but we do reserve the right to get pissed off when we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating, if not a little bit scary." I'm sure any observant person can add plenty of other things to a list of what makes women "fascinating, if not a little bit scary," and the way I'm behaving at the moment would be one of them. I apologize, but I feel that it's slightly beyond my control. I also feel that I've spent way too much of my life being polite to people who screw me over. So that's enough of THAT. (Wow. That is even bitchier than I originally thought. But where do you get by not letting people know how you feel? Nowhere.)

Now it's time that I share the quote of the week.
"You know, I have no clue what this guy looks like. But I have this feeling, that if I looked in the dictionary, under P-R-I-C-K, I would see a picture."
(yes, Patti is my hero)

The end of homecoming week will be bittersweet. I am so excited about this week every year, and I love al lthe energy and everything, but at the same time it will be a relief to have it all over with, and have all my responsibilites taken care of. Although there have been several stressful moments so far, I am still insanely proud of everything we've accomplished. We had our first meeting for the song (for Wausau Eve) tonight, and it was soo much better than I even expected. After Thursday night, I will be so relieved, hopefully more that it went well than that it's over! We have a lot of talent in our class, though, and people should be pretty damn impressed. Whew. What a day. A little bit of anger, but lots of accomplishments as well.

And guess what? I'm going to make a pretty important phone call. It might just turn everything around. Let's hope so. ;)

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