Thursday, September 09, 2004
We aren't getting stressed, now, are we?
Every year, as school is both starting and ending, I try very hard to just do what I have to do and remain calm. I also try very hard to avoid the stress of others, as that only gets me going as well. So this year, everything is good so far (minus the slight homework overload only at only 2 days in) and that means that I shouldn't be stressed, right? Ha, I wish. I guess I wouldn't go as far as "stressed" yet. I'm really just frustrated, but we all know that eventually frustration, and really any other emotion, can turn into stress very easily. This is my source of frustration: other people. Imagine that! I'm feeling slightly gyped out of the Junior Class President position, at the moment. Sure, homecoming won't be easy this year. Things are changing, new people are in charge, and we have only $20 more in our budget than the freshmen. But hey, we can only make the best of it, can't we? So I spend my super precious time brainstorming and planning and getting organized, and what do I get for it? "YOUR IDEAS ARE HORRIBLE! ROAR!" I know you're probably wondering why I don't love being talked to like that, but I just have to say that I find it utterly disrespectful to slack on your part of a deal and then criticize those that cover for you. There are a lot of things going on that people can't get out of, such as work, and sports, etc., but if you take on a responsibilty, (especially if you're elected to take it on) then you should be capable of fulfilling it. That's all there is to it. I'm not going to work my ass off and then be criticized just because it wasn't YOUR idea that we put into action. Get with the program, Bucko.
My goodness, I apologize for that. Really, I do. So now what? Today was a pretty good day, I suppose. I'm figuring out how to get places in the quickest most efficient ways, and I've also been getting a lot done in my resources. Hopefully that lasts for the rest of the year, because it's nice to only have 4 pre-calc problems to do at night, versus the original 35 or so. Is everybody else starting out on a good note this year? I sure hope so. ;)
My goodness, I apologize for that. Really, I do. So now what? Today was a pretty good day, I suppose. I'm figuring out how to get places in the quickest most efficient ways, and I've also been getting a lot done in my resources. Hopefully that lasts for the rest of the year, because it's nice to only have 4 pre-calc problems to do at night, versus the original 35 or so. Is everybody else starting out on a good note this year? I sure hope so. ;)
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