Friday, September 10, 2004


Is it common to feel completely alone, even when surrounded by people? It's been a week like that, and tonight is the grand finale. I don't have many classes with people I can talk to, so even though there are tons of people around me all day, I feel rather alone most of the time. I can handle that, though, at school, because there's other stuff I need to be paying attention to and putting my efforts into. Nights like this suck, though. I was around friends all night, cheering, having a grand time, and suddenly the lonely feeling hit me like a ton of bricks. I was standing in the stands with all my fellow Eastsiders, tons and tons of people around me, and I wanted nothing more than to just stand there and cry. Actually, I wanted someone to hold my hand and tell me that everything is ok; that I'm NOT alone and that somebody somewhere loves me. Why is that so hard for me to believe? Probably because I didn't expect this. I didn't expect the end, and I didn't anticipate the broken feeling or the lonliness. Can someone please just smack me and tell me to stop whining and get over it? I'd appreciate that.

Whine away, what else are these things for? However, it's not something that one gets over all that easily... yikes I should know (but do I? ooh, deep). Sometimes the feeling is awesome and liberating. Most of the time it's too painful to describe.

Feel better.
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