Wednesday, September 28, 2005

very very interesting

I realized something very obvious today.

Some people intimidate me. And why, you ask? Because they're different. Because they fit a certain stereotype or dress a certain way, or make jokes that go over my head. And because they're different, I worry about what they're going to say to me, or what they will think of me when I respond. If I were to take a wild guess, I would say that MOST people know someone that fits into the "Scared of the Unknown" category.

But now, someone who previously intimidated me, the person who inspired this post, has completely changed how I will look at unfamiliar people from now on. A good thing, wouldn't you say?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

cloudy day

It fit the mood. Things went not so well, but I needed to do what I ended up doing. So life goes on, I suppose.

I'm starting to wonder how long it will be before people stop acting like they're in high school. I suppose that as long as you still are, you are allowed to, but lately it seems like some people will never, EVER grow up. I'd like to think that next year I will meet people beyond high school level of maturity, yet each day that gets harder and harder to believe. Not only that, but GIRLS ARE MEAN. I'm not sure if I've ever said that in previous posts, but I am definitely saying it for real now. Also, totally not related, some days I know exactly where I'm going and what's going on, and other days I am totally lost. A lot of that has to do with the people around me.

Ok, so it hasn't been a very happy day. But I suppose that one bad day in the middle of tons of good ones isn't THAT bad of a deal. I'll leave you with this.

Made me cry. PostSecret is amazing.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

time flies when you're having fun

I recently had a dream that the week after homecoming, I graduated. In my dream I was thinking, "People told me the year would fly but I didn't realize it would go THAT fast!"

Yep. Sort of how I feel. Still a crazy dream, though.

I know there's still a lot left to go, but it's THURSDAY already. What happened to the beginning of the week? It went well, but oh so fast. Thankfully the homework hasn't been too overwhelming, but the thought of rehearsal/homecoming week is making my head spin. But overall, there is nothing to be upset about. As for the past few days, tests went well, we started taping for Broadcast Studio, signs are up for Sunday's meeting, the play is absolutely HILARIOUS, the senior drama poster is going to be awesome, I am amazingly HAPPY, and I'm really quite excited about this whole baby picture/senior survey ordeal.

Ahh, how lovely high school truly is...

Sunday, September 18, 2005


I remember this. It's simply lovely, but dangerous at the same time. Fidgety, antsy, sort of impatient. "LaLa Land" is pretty much my location at the moment. Worth it? Oh, let's hope so.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

jamaica me happy

Oh, yes. It's very true.

Anyway. Things have been a little bit roller-coasterish lately. Last week was a little overwhelming, probably for several reasons. There's never a time when it's all perfect. Something, somewhere, is always a little stressful or a little frustrating. I usually just hope that it's easy to tune out. Thankfully, in the past few days, that has been the case. Although there are certain things to be concerned about, it keeps getting easier to think of a reason to smile.

I am involved in about a kajillion and two different things this year. Seven classes, four of which are IB. MYAC. Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Drama (as in, the play). National Honor Society (even though I don't think I have to actually do anything). Tennis. Tutoring. Young Dems. Student Council. PAC. Babysitting. There are more. Hundreds more. But I have yet to figure out what on earth I'm doing, being involved in so many things. Having fun, duh. THAT'S what.
Homecoming meeting on Sunday, just in case anyone is wondering. There will, undoubtedly, be confusion about the date. But it's at 1:00, at Mike's. If you want to help, it would be a good idea to go. I am excited about homecoming, yet dreading just a little but the drama that it has already begun to entail. However, I have no doubt that it will be absolutely amazing and spectacular. So that's what I'm going to focus on. And you all should, too.

So for now, that's the end. Goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow. ;)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

happy birthday to you

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to my BLOG
happy birthday to you


1 year old today. I hope that means cake!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

nothing like september

So I feel a little older now. Applications are all sent in. Recommendations are in the process of being written. I am officially a senior and officially starting to think about leaving this place. An escape plan, if you will. Actually, that doesn't make any sense, because as of right now I am still holding on pretty tight. After the crazy day today, though, I'm sure the loosening will begin pretty soon. Hooray for great teachers. Hooray for at least one slacker(ish) class. Oh, and Hooray for HOT PICTURES of good friends. There's nothing like September. :)

Friday, September 02, 2005

goodbye, summer

And just like that, it's over. Goodbyes have been said, football games have been kicked off, and parking stickers have been applied. As much as most people hate to admit it: The school year is about to begin.

I'm trying not to dread it, as I have been rather antsy for school to start lately, but the thought of doing English homework still makes me cringe. Not that I ever really start ENJOYING English homework, but it's certainly easier when you've been doing it for a while, rather than starting again after three months off.

Regardless of the schoolwork, though, I am anxious to see everyone again, get back on a regular schedule, and start working out. Hooray for after-school, football-playerless (for a little bit, at least) access to the weight room. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with football players. But you know, it's interesting how much the intimidation factor cramps my work-out routine. Sometimes it helps, but in this case it just scares me away. I know I'm not alone on that one.

No, we didn't win the Log Game. Yes, that does make me cry a little bit. But, still trying to be optimistic and still way excited about football games. One more thing that I just have to say--they totally didn't deserve it. If you want me to explain, further, oh, I will. With passion. Enough about that.

I'm in a very "blah" sort of mood. Hopefully a little time in the Northwoods will be the cure, as that's the plan for tomorrow. Have a spectacular Labor Day weekend. Enjoy the last few days--homework again on Wednesday! :)

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