Wednesday, September 28, 2005

very very interesting

I realized something very obvious today.

Some people intimidate me. And why, you ask? Because they're different. Because they fit a certain stereotype or dress a certain way, or make jokes that go over my head. And because they're different, I worry about what they're going to say to me, or what they will think of me when I respond. If I were to take a wild guess, I would say that MOST people know someone that fits into the "Scared of the Unknown" category.

But now, someone who previously intimidated me, the person who inspired this post, has completely changed how I will look at unfamiliar people from now on. A good thing, wouldn't you say?

its the same thing for me. except I dont feel intimidated, I feel more angered than anything else.
You are angered by people that are different from you?
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