Friday, September 02, 2005

goodbye, summer

And just like that, it's over. Goodbyes have been said, football games have been kicked off, and parking stickers have been applied. As much as most people hate to admit it: The school year is about to begin.

I'm trying not to dread it, as I have been rather antsy for school to start lately, but the thought of doing English homework still makes me cringe. Not that I ever really start ENJOYING English homework, but it's certainly easier when you've been doing it for a while, rather than starting again after three months off.

Regardless of the schoolwork, though, I am anxious to see everyone again, get back on a regular schedule, and start working out. Hooray for after-school, football-playerless (for a little bit, at least) access to the weight room. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with football players. But you know, it's interesting how much the intimidation factor cramps my work-out routine. Sometimes it helps, but in this case it just scares me away. I know I'm not alone on that one.

No, we didn't win the Log Game. Yes, that does make me cry a little bit. But, still trying to be optimistic and still way excited about football games. One more thing that I just have to say--they totally didn't deserve it. If you want me to explain, further, oh, I will. With passion. Enough about that.

I'm in a very "blah" sort of mood. Hopefully a little time in the Northwoods will be the cure, as that's the plan for tomorrow. Have a spectacular Labor Day weekend. Enjoy the last few days--homework again on Wednesday! :)

Enjoy english homework? What could there possibly be to enjoy during a quick session the night before? Besides occasionally deciding you don't really care just so long as you make the piece the most annoying and aggravating as possible... I do take both pride and joy in doing that. All I can really say about football this year besides stating the fact that I would have liked to play is that I'm not overly optimistic about the season... We lost how many seniors from last year... 3? It wasn't many... But that's the way it goes...

Homework on Wednesday will only be for those willing to submit, and that I won't...
are you a senior or are you going to college?
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