Sunday, January 29, 2006


I swear SO MUCH MORE than I did, oh, about 4 months ago.

I don't really know what that means.

But it suddenly became painfully obvious.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

almost normal

After a week and a half of turmoil, I think I'm finally pretty close to healthy once again. My sinuses no longer feel like exploding, I can sleep (a good 12 hours last night, thank you), and I can breath almost completely out of my nose. Ah, how wonderful it is. This winter's ever-changing climate seems to be causing quite a bit of chaos in the health department.

Speaking of that, it's currently nearly 40 degrees and raining. Ay caramba.

Other than the whole sickness thing, life is fine, in case you were wondering. I've been strangely depressed lately for no good reason--seems like the most bizzare things bring me down. But whatever, that will change.

It's probably just, once again, the weather.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Home with nothing to do, I started cleaning my room and going through things that I haven't looked at in a while. On the shelf at the top of my closet, there is a box. A box I have been long afraid to re-open. In it? Memories. Reminders of something specific that I put in a safe place in order to not accidentally stumble upon them.

A decent chunk of time from my life is preserved in that box. Pictures, online conversations, jewelry, and even a few things whose significance I can't for the life of me remember.

It made my night to look through it, which is a response I never expected.

Not because I miss it, or because I still long to go back. But because I am thankful for all of it. Without all of those feelings, now stored carefully in a shoebox, I would not be me. I would be someone completely different, and probably someone much worse. I am content and happy now, and I wouldn't be here if I hadn't made a few mistakes. Regret is a tricky subject. But why regret something you cannot change? Whatever you did, at that time, was exactly what you wanted. People change, and so do their needs and wants, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. You can look back and be embarrassed of the person you were many years ago, but still remember how far you've come since. And do your best to be someone who won't embarrass you five or ten years down the road.

I just have to say, you are simply the most ridiculas person that I know. You might not read this, and if you do you may not know it's you. But anyway. I thank you for that.


As I told Matt last night, I'm pretty sure I got run over by a truck and no one told me. Because that's certainly how I feel. My nose is stuffed up, my sinuses are throbbing, and my throat and ears and eyes are all itchy and annoying. I look terrible and feel terrible and I even decided to stay home tonight, rather than go to one of the many sporting events taking place.

So now I'm home by myself while the rest of my family is out galavanting, I'm bored and lonely and sad, and I don't have any good medicene to take.

I'd like some visitors, but that's probably too much to ask.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Better than before. Do you even believe that? Ah, the joy and the relief.

Damn jealousy. It's tough to beat. A famous line from the O.C. goes a little something like this:"Once you get what you want, that's when you have something to lose." It's a horrible mentality, but it really is true. Good thing here, though, is that there is no losing taking place.

Just keeps getting happier.

Amen to that.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Firstly, I'd like to dedicate this entry to Alyssa. Without her, no one would read my blog!

There was more written here for about 24 hours, but I changed my mind. I'm optimistic. Really, I am.

It's just a dance. It's just a dance. It's just a dance. PLEASE let it be okay.

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