Thursday, July 26, 2007

so I'm just going to say it

I do not believe that there is a God who actively participates in life's daily happenings. I believe that there is a possibility that a God exists or existed at one time who is responsible for creation, but even that belief is being pretty heavily doubted.

I have asked here before why it is that some people believe that to be true, because I was still sort of questioning whether or not I believed it. Now, however, I simply do not. "I am so blessed." "God is so good." I do not buy it. If there were truly one answer, one "way up," one God who is so damn good, why would anyone believe otherwise? Why would anyone suffer, especially from things they cannot control? I just don't believe it. I'm still open to opinions (very open, actually, because I am always looking and hoping to understand what it is that creates strong belief, whether it is in tune to mine or otherwise), but I needed to state that SOMEWHERE.

How's that for the first post in three months?

I believe in a God, but I doubt very much whether anyone, especially the churches, can say exactly what it is. Maybe it's a conscious mind, maybe it's all of us, maybe it's just a universal force or energy. Maybe there isn't one.

Who can say?

I think skepticism is healthy though. Many of my friends are atheists, or unsure, and I can understand that.
I don't doubt that God cares about us, but I think He generally lets us do things our own way and experience the consequences. Would you rather have it any other way? I know I don't want to be forced to do the right thing. Once we've grown up, our parents cannot force us to do anything (nor should they try), but that doesn't mean they don't care.
Perhap Allah would be more fitting
for Allisoni; behold the kool-aid in those lands is laced with Camel-Dung; their doctrine allows the black burkha in public display.

Shooting off mouth carries a stiff
penalty. Woman insisting on Freedom
of Speech is quickly silenced.

Dago Trouble-Shooter.
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