Monday, May 29, 2006

this might get me in trouble

Or may be it will just start some conversations.

I think I'm agnostic. Maybe I will revisit that thought years from now and think about how crazy I was to be saying that. But right now, that's what I think.

And you know, I don't think that makes me a bad person. I think that you can be the kindest, most wonderful person on earth without religion, or without God. A lot of people don't believe that. But really, what is the difference? Agnostic doesn't mean I don't believe in God, it means that I don't think I should pretend to know that there is one, when in reality NO ONE KNOWS. I can't judge whether people will go to Heaven or Hell, because you have to be dead to know if those places exist, and I'm very much still alive.

For a long time now I have WANTED, seriously wanted to believe it God. To know that he exists and that I have him to lean on in times of crisis. But I don't feel it. It would make so many people around me happy if I just say that I feel it, but I don't. I'll keep trying, but that's tiring. I'd rather have faith in something, instead of nothing at all, but I can't force that. No one can. I think you have to feel it. And I'm still waiting.

This seriously might get me in trouble. But it actually doesn't even matter. I'm just a crazy teenager. And you know what those hormones are capable of.

I'm still searching. But that's my current conclusion.

I'm not too surprised that you are agnostic. Most teeagers don't believe in anything except the moment.

Before you get all huffy, I include myself (when a teenager)in that category. There are exceptions to that rule.
I don't consider myself a typical teenager, and if you knew me I don't think you would either. I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, so I'm certainly not just living for moment after moment. I'm not "all huffy," it's just a response.
Like I said, there are exceptions to the rule. I just made a general comment about "most" teenagers.

I think your friend(eye of the storm)is one of those exceptions.
Good for both of us, then.
You are very typical. Stop trying to make yourself sound better than everyone. When you're 18, you're sort of stupid, deal with it. I told myself I was not the typical teenager, but the more I actually LISTENED to other people, the more I realized i'm not so extra-special. We're not going to be amazed by you because you don't smoke or drink, and you're "open minded". Really, I like you, you have good motives, but I can't stand the way you make everyone you talk to feel less than you. and you'll have some snappy "not-typical-teenager" response. I just know it. bah. I'm sorry, but it needed to be said.
(I'm thinking that you shouldn't be bitter just because you can't convince me that I'll drink next year...) I don't expect people my age to be "amazed" at the things I don't do, because frankly those are the things that make me the high school geek that I am. This post didn't have anything at all to do with me being better or worse than anyone, so I'm not sure why "not typical" suddenly exploded into me trying to belittle everyone around me.
you've always made me feel bad. Explain that? I could tell you why you do, but you wouldn't accept it anyways, so I won't bother. You can continue to think i'm a heartless bitch bent on corrupting you, but, if you do, don't expect me to be nice. I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me. Get over yourself and I'll have so much more respect for you. If you would get over being so deffensive and close-minded, i would want to hang out with you. There is a very cool interesting person there, I'm sure, but all I ever get from you is what is better about you, and what's wrong with me. Don't think you're the only one who's ever felt bad about themself and needed attention. I've been depressed too, but there are good and bad ways to get attention. In fact, we could probably learn a lot from each other, because I think we're more similar than either of us would like to admit. Anyways, I did want to be your friend, and I felt completly rejected. Maybe because I never told you what you wanted to hear, and I don't pity people all that much. Everyone is sad, and other people want to be comforted too. People get turned off when all they do is help you. Just be equal with people, let them be on the same level, even if they make "bad decisions" or don't have the same values as you. You're opinionated, not open-minded. being liberal doesn't make you open-minded. Hell, you can be opinionated if you want if you admit you are in fact one-sided on most things. As for your trouble with religion, I do hope you find what you're looking for. I think you will too, because I know that you care enough. And yea, a lot of people are agnostic at this age for the same reasons you are, it's not a-typical. It's just a stage in life where you re-evaluate everything. (which is why you will be re-evaluating a lot of your values next year, that is what i have been trying to tell you). Don't be defensive because you are experiencing something that is typical. It's typical for a reason. Just deal with things in a way that's true to your heart, and you'll be fine. Frankly, the only thing I want you to be is open-minded. Hopefully you'll figure a lot out next year. When you do, I would love to have coffee with you and chat, because you're obviously intelligent and know how to effect people with your words. Besides, I would always rather have another friend. gah, we are too much the same, I really think it. but I see things in you that I have seen in myself and have come to hate. Just, try to see why people get frustrated with your claims and accusations, and the way you turn things around to make other people feel bad. Being defensive is easy, but turning their negative into a positive is being truely open-minded (which, this post is not a good refelction of at all). Sorry. I'm defensive too. Just, accept me for who I am, and I'll accept you when you're honest with who you are, and you let down your gaurd. It's something to think about if you believe in being open-minded, right? Even drinking is something to be open-minded about even if you don't drink, right? So there you have it. You can accept things you don't agree with, and that's all i ask. Night.
It's tough for me to take you seriously when you post anonymously, first of all. I may know who you are but my assumptions are not always right.

Just because I choose not to drink myself does not mean that I refuse to be friends with people who do. It used to be much more difficult for me to accept that but it obviously becomes a fact of life. My friends and people I love do things that I disagree with all the time, and I'm sure they don't like everything I do, either. None of this religion stuff was said to start anything, and I responded to Sandy in that particular way because I already know that he has incorrect assumptions about me that I'd like to debunk. Not that it wasn't true, it just had to come out differently.

Isn't it hard to "get over yourself" when you're this age? Especially when you feel left out and unloved like you seem to know about, who else matters? I don't write this blog to relfect on how everyone feels the same as me, I write it for my life and my experiences. Any other blog you read is quite similar...and I know this because I read a lot of blogs.

Nothing that I say will change your mind, obviously. But I'm not trying to make myself appear any different than what I am, and I think that I get a lot of slack for that..which is sort of backwards. If you have some personal issue with that, than maybe you should stop being anonymous and talk to me about it.
anonymous may be right although she/he should have the courage to put a name behind his/her opinions.

Just what assumptions did I make? I would not have known you were a teenager had you not stated so. Having questions about religion is quite normal and typical.

I still think the average teen has their head up their _ _ _ and that comes from the experience of raising four of them. I also will say they turned out quite well as adults.
ahh!!!!!you are a hot hot pussy!!!!!+

i love your sexy nose hairs.

-besties w/ yeasties!!!!
Talk about making assumptions,I think anonomousey is making assumptions regarding my gender.
Someone once told me that you have to put something in to get something out.. I've struggled with my religion previously just as you are now.. I found this helpful because you have to develop your own beliefs, not your parents, however just going to church isnt going to do anything for you, you have to want to have faith
Whether or not this is a typical teeage reaction to life or religion, is not the point. Whether Allisoni has her head up her ass or is nothing special or is full of herself, why does it matter? Why can't everyone accept eachothers opinions and responses without trying to change them? As we grow up our opinions and veiwpoints change on life and ourselves. While at times we may need guidance, it is almost always more important to learn things on our own and challenge ourselves to be the best we can be. All we can really do is listen to everyone else's advice and choose for yourself what is right for you. You all may have opinions about Allisoni, and I'm sure she likes to hear them, but maybe you should offer positive feedback, instead of rediculous bashing that doesn't help anyone.
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