Saturday, May 06, 2006
I've finally seen the what the hype is all about. Tonight, I rented Brokeback Mountain.
I am angry at every person who has and will continue to make sick jokes about it without even knowing its story. At every person who is too afraid to give it a chance.
Most who know me know how I feel about homosexuality. And I know all of the arguments against it, and all of the arguments against the "gay agenda" of this movie. But I cannot even fully express how PROUD I am to be a supporter of it. It isn't about sex, it's about LOVE. It isn't about sin, it's about acceptance. It's about understanding that hate makes life hell for so many people...turns love into something forbidden. It's about feeling the pain and sadness of two men who live their entire lives fighting with who they are.
I am not an expert movie critic, and I honestly didn't even think right away that it lived up to my expectations. But I can't stop thinking about it. About how such a basic concept can be so absolutely heartwrenching. About the fact the millions of people don't even attempt to understand the lives and the hearts of these people.
Give it a chance. You might be surprised.
I am angry at every person who has and will continue to make sick jokes about it without even knowing its story. At every person who is too afraid to give it a chance.
Most who know me know how I feel about homosexuality. And I know all of the arguments against it, and all of the arguments against the "gay agenda" of this movie. But I cannot even fully express how PROUD I am to be a supporter of it. It isn't about sex, it's about LOVE. It isn't about sin, it's about acceptance. It's about understanding that hate makes life hell for so many people...turns love into something forbidden. It's about feeling the pain and sadness of two men who live their entire lives fighting with who they are.
I am not an expert movie critic, and I honestly didn't even think right away that it lived up to my expectations. But I can't stop thinking about it. About how such a basic concept can be so absolutely heartwrenching. About the fact the millions of people don't even attempt to understand the lives and the hearts of these people.
Give it a chance. You might be surprised.
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You are wrong. It's not about love. It's about sex. If there were no sex between two men then it would not be the movie about two homosexuals that it is.
I knew right away you must be a friend of Gayle's! All I can say is that you have no seen the movie, because I know that if you had, there is no way you would be saying it was about sex. Certianly being homosexual means that you are attracted to members of the same sex, but are meaningful heterosexual relationships about sex....or about love? There's attraction there too, so I fail to understand how one is so different from the other.
It's pretty simple. Homosexual (homo-meaning same) (sexual-meaning sex). I haven't seen the movie and have no desire to see it. I worked in the movie industry for 30 yrs. and can say without doubt that the homosexuals do have an agenda. They wish us to view their perverted lifestyle as normal. Looks like they have a convert in you.
And yes, I would consider Gayle a friend and I would not discount you as a possible but naive friend.
And yes, I would consider Gayle a friend and I would not discount you as a possible but naive friend.
The homosexual agenda is to be treated as human beings, just like heterosexuals. They have not "converted" me, I naturally feel that they deserve equal treatment and find no shame in saying that. We do not legislate the lifestyles of any other minority group and as a young person looking towards the future it sickens me that consideration is even given to doing so. Going back to the movie, it is NOT about two men seeing each other to have sex, it is about two men who can't live without the emotional relationship with the other. It was not made for entetainment, and frankly the bad reviews it got were because of that. It was made to show the painful agony that non-stereotypical homosexuals, such as cowboys, are forced into.
allison said: It was not made for entetainment, and frankly the bad reviews it got were because of that. It was made to show the painful agony that non-stereotypical homosexuals, such as cowboys, are forced into.
Sandy replies: Looks like you are describing an agenda to me.
Sandy replies: Looks like you are describing an agenda to me.
hmmm... is it all too possible that the movie isn't accomplishing much, because it's main audience is those that already accept homosexuality? I think that when people have their mind set against homosexuality, a movie like that gives them more reason to be bitter. I'm just considering the fine line between raising awareness and raising hostility. I came to this delima this year when I was in the Vigina Monolouges, and I came up against oppostion from some girls in my hall. They thought it was against their religious teaching to support the message of the monolouges. They thought the message was sexual, but the point was empowement. (a silmar misconception seems to surrond this movie). I feel like some of the hostility it raised caused discussion, but it also may have polarized negative feelings towards the femminst movement. Clearly, you show Brokeback Mountain to a group of open-minded educated people, most of them are going to agree with the message, and hail the movie. We want to save the world with a movie, but humans are sometimes too complicated for that. However, Hotel Rwanda was a very powerful movie, and it did not meet a lot of hostility. (reason being, there was no controversy over the subject, it was historical). Brokeback Mountain has a moral agenda, and it really doesn't mean much to people that don't believe in it.
However, I do think there is no excuse for having a thin plotline or a "bad movie". If a movie is bad, it's bad. Let's be fair. If a movie is about something I disagree on and it's good, it's still a good movie. Lets not rate a movie by its message. That's like pittying it by saying it wasn't good but it meant well. If people are going to like Brokeback Mountain, let it be on its merit.
I think that's all. But, just one little thing, if you admit that Brokeback Mountain is more based on making a values statement than on actual content, you have no base to argue weather it was good or bad, because it all just depends on your beliefs.
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However, I do think there is no excuse for having a thin plotline or a "bad movie". If a movie is bad, it's bad. Let's be fair. If a movie is about something I disagree on and it's good, it's still a good movie. Lets not rate a movie by its message. That's like pittying it by saying it wasn't good but it meant well. If people are going to like Brokeback Mountain, let it be on its merit.
I think that's all. But, just one little thing, if you admit that Brokeback Mountain is more based on making a values statement than on actual content, you have no base to argue weather it was good or bad, because it all just depends on your beliefs.
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