Sunday, March 26, 2006

alone in the universe

Day two of being totally alone and I'm still alive. Whew.

It's extremely pleasant having absolutely nothing to do. I haven't been bored yet because I am so thoroughly enjoying the fact that I can stay in my pajamas all week if I feel like it. I've only been slighty tempted to call people who I know aren't here, which is better than I was expecting. And tomorrow is full of fun and events, so that's exciting too.

I went to church last night for the first time since Father Steve died, and my gosh was it difficult. I was thinking that maybe I would be okay, but I had such a headache from trying not to cry for a whole hour. I suppose I could have just cried, but I know he's happy wherever he is, and why should I cry about that? It's so tough to think about an entire congregation of happy, Christian people that now grieve every time they enter church. The environment is so different than it used to be, and that's sad in itself. How do you bring comfort to that many people? I don't think you can. It will certainly take a lot of time.

I can register for Orientation a week from tomorrow. I don't want to! Don't make me go!

That's all I have to say about that.

Too bad all of you vacationers left GORGEOUS spring in Wisconsin! Hope everyone's vacations are good no matter what the temperature. :)

Enjoy the week!

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