Saturday, October 01, 2005

october already?

I like October, though, so it's ok. Everything is so beautiful here in Wisconsin all year round, but especially this month. October and late December-ish have it good. They get to be the prettiest months of the year. I wonder if the other ones are jealous.

And with that, it's safe to say that the "dad jokes" are becoming all too frequent. I thought I was supposed to turn into my mother...

Homecoming week. Ay. Rehearsal and homework on top of that, not to mention debate. Homecoming has been my driving passion for most of high school, and this year I've been dissapointed in my ability to participate. I've done all I've been able to, but I don't feel like it's enough. I am so happy that so many other people are helping, as that's what our class has really needed all along. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE THIS WEEK. And I want it to be 406% successful. I just wish I could do a little more.

This weekend, though, I was too busy debating to be of much help. Yes, my very first debate tournament. Friday night was terrible. I almost cried and REALLY didn't want to go back on today. REALLY. I was nauseously dreading it. But, everything went much better this time around, and we QUALIFIED FOR STATE. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you read that right. Even though I'm still not really liking debate, I am very happy that we were soooo successful today. Our team went 5-1, which is magnificent, and I did pretty well on speaker points (as did the rest of the team, hooray for speaker trophies!). I can only hope that from this point on things get a little easier and a little less dreadful.

So with that, I am off to bed before this massively insane week begins. Too much tiredness to fit into only a little bit of sleep. But, hey, that's life.

Oh, and by the way, you have DASHING sense of style. ;)

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