Saturday, April 16, 2005

I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn't have one. So I got a cake.

I <3 Mitch. (Thanks to Miss Rebecca.) Oh, and I <3 cake, as well.

The Women is over! Oh my goodness. This whole year is absolutely flying. I can't believe that so many things I have anticipated for so long have already happened. The show went fairly well, there were microphone troubles up the whazoo, but other than that it was good. The acting was amazing and we all made it out alive (not too many cat fights). Whew. It is quite the adventure to work on something this big with only 25 females. It's amazing the difference that boys actually make when it comes to keeping the bitching to a minimum. I am proud of everyone, though, and I have made a ton of new friends and gotten to know a lot of people much better. I also discovered that although it is a huge time commitment, I want to continue doing this next year. The only negative at the moment? Stage makeup may look cool, but it does not get along with my skin. Good thing there's a week before prom, because I don't have enough makeup to cover the whole breakout situation taking place.

I got my haircut, finally. It's not really noticably shorter, but there are more layers and it's a lot easier to take care of. It's been, oh, 11 months since my last haircut, so it was about time. AND I decided what to do with my hair for prom, so that's good. It was pretty much the last detail.

I am excited about prom, by the way. REALLY excited, actually. I have not been nearly as hyped about this as I was about Junior Girls, due to other events taking place, but I am truly happy about my dress and my date and really the whole night in general. It should be a a lot of fun, minus the whole babysitting the next morning thing. Even that, though, shouldn't be torture.

Speaking of torture, I am now going to Badger Girls State in June, mainly because my grandmother is a lunatic. I should be more optimistic, because it is something that I originally wanted to do, and I know it will be a good experience, but my grandma drives me up the wall. Ugh. I'm working on the attitude, I really am.

April is busy. Yeah. Just had to say it. But then next month is May, which is the last full month of school. Hooray for that. Maybe tomorrow I will start running again. I haven't had time or energy for a while but it would probably be a decent idea. Hopefully the weather will be nice, because the treadmill sounds rather unappealing.

Alright, that's all for tonight. It's way passed my bed time. Night, ya'll.

RIP Mitch

"I hate turkeys. If you go to the grocery store and stand in front of the lunch meat section for too long, you start to get pissed off at turkeys. You see like turkey-ham, turkey-pastrami, turkey-bologna. Somebody needs to tell the turkeys, 'Man, just be yourself. I already like you, little brother. You do not need to emulate the other animals. You got your own thing going. I used to draw you.'"
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