Friday, March 04, 2005

Yeah, it looks pretty sweet. It looks awesome. That suit, it's... it's incredible.

Playing outside in the snow is one of the most freeing experiences there is. You want to feel like a kid again? Have a little too much built up stress? Jump in the snow. Make snow angels. Cover your entire yard with footprints. I never before realized the theraputic benefits of winter. And I encourage you to check them out.

On a totally, completely different subject, I am getting ready to go to Vibes tonight. Yes, my second ghetto dance club experience will, indeed, commence this evening. I am sooo excited. I have promised my mother that I will leave if there is any drug activity or if I am about to be raped, and I have decided NOT to wear a skirt, for obvious reasons. So I'm set. And it's going to be a wild time. I will, of course, have an update on it in no time.

In other news, I ate meat today. On Friday. HEAVEN FORBID. It was really interesting, because at least two people at my lunch table actually stared me down the entire time I was in the process of devouring my delicious nachos con carne y queso. I try not to let it bother me. Because if there is a God, he should love me anyway. Grady told me today, as I was putting the meat onto my nachos in the lunch line, that God loves all his children no matter what. And I mean, if Grady says it, it is obviously the truth. So it's ok, guys. No worries.

Half of the old school is almost completely gone. I drove around it today. And shed some tears. Just thought I'd share, in case you want to go see it before the gym is 100% demolished. It's sad, I'm warning you.

Oh, and I'm really proud of Mary.

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