Saturday, February 05, 2005

Why did she just do that?

To make herself feel totally unwelcome, of course. Why does she push people away? Probably because they want her gone anyway. So then why does it matter?

Yeah. I'm working through it. Breathe in, and out...and on a completely different note...

I'm really glad that Elizabeth spent some time in Wausau this weekend. She's been gone for eight (!!!) years, and it was pretty fascinating to see who she remembered and who remembered her. I'd have to say that I'm glad I have lived (and will continute to live) in the same place my whole life, because there's most definitely a sense of pride in knowing your home city like the back of your hand. I didn't really realize that until last night; it was an interesting thought. But anyway, we chilled at Culver's before heading to school for the JV/Varsity basketball games, which both contained a fair amount of dissapointment. I'm trying to be really optimistic about it, but it's still hard to lose. (And I wasn't even playing...) After the game we slept over at Kelly's for her BIRTHDAY, and I was once again reminded of my great luck in being found my such amazing friends. It was a lot of fun, and I think Elizabeth really enjoyed herself, too.


Upon arriving home this afternoon, I was informed that a certain group of males was participating in a certain sport for a certain large event taking place in Wausau this weekend. So, I had no choice really but to wear only a t-shirt in the tropical-like weather and go watch them. After that, I ventured to church, where I found Kelly, and we decided to return, in the tropical-like weather, to once again view the intense athletic competition. The outcome was not exactly as the certain group of males wanted it to be, however, they were 10 times cuter than the other team, so what else matters? ;) I know, that doesn't mean anything. But when you're being a loyal spectator, it's a valid way to judge who the REAL winners are.

So after that whole fiasco, Kelly and I ventured to Mobil Mart and a super amazing carwash that, brace yourself, had RAINBOW COLORED SOAP. I don't believe I've ever seen anying cooler in my entire life. We then parked in my driveway and discussed politics, which was refreshing, because someone else in this world has common sense! Needless to say, Kelly and I enjoyed our evening. Now, here I sit, typing and drinking chocolate milk. Whew.

My dad cleared our hard drive this past week, and I lost everything. It's not the end of the world, however, the computer IS my life, and I've lost all my away messages and all my favorite places. I can fix that stuff, but I'm also just really impatient and would like it to magically reappear. What else would I like to magically appear? A stylish business man, holding a baby, that has a night job as a firefighter. (Am I dreaming too big, here? Nah. It'll happen.)

How is Valentine's Day going to be for everyone? I don't know what to expect. Memories of past Valentine's Days? Same as any other day? Full of steamy passion and endless romance? Right now, it's pretty much up in the air.

That's all for now, but there's a pretty long night ahead of me. I have to stop eating these potato chips, and maybe I'll post something else later tonight.

How often do you read these? You might not even notice this. That is interesting about What you said at the beginning... who were you mad at? yes i am one of your friends so you can just say the enitials and i will get the hint. Allison i love you, never let one thing get in the way of your amazing spirit!
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