Saturday, February 19, 2005

I want that

I mean, who doesn't?

I just watched "The Notebook" for the first time since we've owned it, and of course I cried like a baby and was left longing for a great love of my own.

I'm only 17, I know. But Allie Hamilton was only 17 when she met Noah, and hey, we have they same name, so it's obviously very likely to be found anyday now. Maybe it comes from having loved so much and lost so bad. Or maybe it comes from being controlled almost completely by teenage hormones. Or maybe it even comes solely from great admiration of Ryan Gosling. But that's what I want. I want "I love you" to be more than words; to be a feeling and a connection and to mean everything. I want to be surrounded by love and never be lonely, because that's what everyone deserves, and I believe that it's out there somewhere.

Somedays, that seems the exact opposite of possible.

But it's there, I know it is. Maybe now (but hiding). Maybe a week from now, or a year or many years from now. But it's there.

And I'll be seeing you.

love is "hiding" from you cause you're ugly and mean
Is it? That's interesting to know. Thank you for pointing that out, sunshine.
To whoever wrote the first comment, you might want to invest in some glasses or something, because the concept of beauty seems to be "hiding" from you...
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