Thursday, January 27, 2005

A plethora of stuff to write about

Some of it is related. And some of it is total randomness. Be prepared. You could be reading for hours.

Tonight I was at East to welcome home the 376th Finance Battalion; 18 soldiers returning from a year-long deployment in Iraq. It was emotional, let me tell you. I didn't even know any of them, but seeing their parents, and their spouses and their children was enough to make me feel like I had been missing them for a year, too.
I've had so many mixed feelings about the war and our troops. Recently in this country it has become "un-American" to not support the war, because that is in turn translated into not supporting the troops that are fighting overseas. I completely disagree with that. I support our troops even more because I do not support the war. Each soldier that will not return home has died for an unjust reason. I don't think that is up for debate, considering it is a matter of fact that we did not go to war for the reasons we are now said to be occupying Iraq. When I was at home sick yesterday morning, President Bush held his first live press conference that I was oh-so-fortunate enough to be able to view. First of all, he knew nothing. (Surprise? Um, no.) Second of all, he responded to one of the questions he was asked by saying that "your children and grandchildren will benefit from a free Iraq." What? Does that NOT make any sense to anyone else? I am glad that human beings can now be treated as actual human beings, and no longer live in (the same) fear, but how does that directly benefit me, or my future children? The back of the shirts we wore tonight say "Thank you for our FREEDOM." Yes, they are soldiers and they risked their lives for a year in a foreign country. I am fortunate to live in a nation that has the ability to be safe and protected at all times, and has people dedicated to ensuring that. But I do not believe that their service in this war is connected to my freedom, especially taking into consideration the fact that the events of September 11th and the basis of our country's "war on terrorism" were not connected to Iraq. I apologize for having to state that tonight, after such a wonderful welcome home ceremony, but I can't stop thinking about it. My heart most definitely goes out to everyone currently in Iraq and those back home worrying about them and supporting them during this horrible time.

That sort of transititions into my next topic of the day: registering for next year's classes! We viewed a presentation today about all the classes offered in the history department, one of which is Contemporary Issues. Now, I registered for that class for this year, but it wasn't offered because it didn't fill up, and the course description sounds like EXACTLY my type of thing. But the more I think about it, the more I think I would be angry all day if I was in that class. If you know me at all or have read really anything I have previously written on here, you should know why. (If you DON'T know why, and would like to be informed, comment and I'll tell you. After what I've already written tonight I don't really want to offend anyone that hasn't already stopped reading this post.) I think I'm going to take like six elective/semester classes. It's not really a matter of credit as much it's a matter of how many free classes I can possibly cram in before I graduate.

The West webpage is so much cooler than East's. It's all updated and stuff. Ours is always the same and very frequently left un-updated, and it never has any pictures. Thus the reason I spend too much time on West's webpage. I'm a sucker for pictures.

I am really sore. I was such a wussy girl yesterday in gym because I felt completely horrible even before I started running, and now I am crazy sore in order to prove that, of course, my body cannot handle physical challanges. Actually, I think the soreness is a lot from the whole sitting exercise thing I was doing during MYAC yesterday. But still. Allison=total wuss. That will change soon, though. As soon as I find time. And a trainer, maybe.

Are the ACT's hard? I'm just wondering. Because I'm taking them on the 12th and I'm not sure how preperation for that really goes. If you are an ACT expert, I'd appreciate some information. Muchas gracias en el avance.

And, I'll leave you with a quote this evening, relfecting on the realization that I am DAMN bitter about my past. (Not to give the impression that I had a bad day or am extremely upset about my life. It was just a mid-biology thought, that later turned into a daily quote on my dad's cell phone. Whew. Since when do I find it necessary to explain myself...?)

"Behind almost every woman you ever heard of stands a man who let her down."
-Naomi Bliven

Reflect on that, and congratulations on finally reading to the end of all this babbling craziness. G'night. ;)

Lucky, at least you get to take a bunch of electives, I think I have 1 period that I don't know what I'm taking yet, and that's only because I'm not taking history next year. I haven't decided what else to take yet, but I've still got a bit of time to figure it out...

Don't worry about the ACTs much, they aren't that hard, I've just forgotten to register so far this year so I need to do that soon. But last I remember they were pretty easy, but then again that was also in 6th and 7th grade... Don't worry about it too much just brush up briefly on the earlier parts of the subjects that'll be tested. They shouldn't be a problem for you at all, just see if you can bring a book or something because the sit around time gets really boring. Plus you can retake them if you want to can't you? That's my plan if I get below a 35.

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