Thursday, January 20, 2005

Is there ever a GOOD time for everything to fall apart?

Not really.

And if there is, it's not now.

Everything is a bit of a stretch. But you know, when just a few key things are out of whack, doesn't everything just seem kind of appropriate?

Yes, it does. Thus the reason I used it.

I don't even know what to do with myself. I don't want to complain because I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. I don't want to cry anymore, especially at school, pretty much for the same reason. What is there to do? I am not one to keep everything inside, yet I can't even dechiper what it is I'm supposed to be getting out. This overwhelming feeling is crushing me.

Do you ever just want to go to sleep, and wake up to the world you knew before it turned upside down? Because I do. Part of me thinks that it would be a really bad idea, because you learn from every step you take, and going back would erase every lesson I've learned. The other part of me thinks that I really wouldn't mind if this pressure and anger were non-existant. Then again, was I angry, and was there pressure, in the world that was right-side up? If there was, what makes this different than then?

I don't know why math makes me hate myself. It just does, probably because of the great stupidity I feel every time I enter that room. I don't want to give up. And I won't. But how hard can I try and still have to face the fact that my best won't ever be enough?

That doesn't just apply to math, either.

There are two many questions. And I have to start some intense studying for Bio-IB. Answers would be appreciated.

yha, you can talk to me too, anytime you feel like. I'll give you tons of advice, even though I suck at it, so it'll probably be bad advice, but thats ok, advice nevertheless. And I'll listen a bunch even if you feel like complaining, its all good. You've been there like through everything for me, both good and bad, and so frankly, thats what I'm gonna do to you, too, whether you want it or not! I'm gonan put you throguh all those commas too, becasue, well, theres just a lot of them....I heart commas..well.....what else can I say while i'm on my soap box. Basically, just wanna say, people such as myself, and other people will see you through everything, good, bad, and stuff...and with math, just hang in there, you'll make it through, dont fear....I jsut hope you can make it through this freakin' post because its sooooooo long, even I'm tired of it, well, thats everythign I wanted to say, and even more, actually, so glad I got that all out. Have a good day:)
haha matt got dumped, what a loser
Not even close to funny.
I think it's pretty funny, i mean he got dumped by YOU, you always push everyone who gives a crap about you away and then whine and complain when life sucks, don't want people to feel sorry for you? don't worry, they don't, but if you really don't want them to, don't post "i don't want people to feel sorry for me" on your blog because it's just a hopeless cry for attention
Leave her alone, you have no idea what happened so stop pretending you do. For your information, there are some of us who would give anything to hear about what you call "whining and complaining", so you can just go ahead and pull that stick out of your ass and stop harassing people who do nothing to deserve it. I feel sorry for her because she has to put up with shit like this all the time.
anyone who cocks off matt again will get their ass beat
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