Monday, November 08, 2004

Moving On

In more ways than one.

"4 more years." Gag me. But what is there to do? Make my own difference, that's what. And I'm not alone on that one, either. We all have our own contributions to make, and it's about time we start to think about putting them into action.
I've begun to realize that little things make me so happy. Not even just happy, but downright giddy, actually. When it takes just a couple words or a simple action to make you smile for hours, life is damn good. AND THAT MEANS I'M MOVING ON! Holy cow, and I thought the day would never come. But here it is, and I'm welcoming it with open arms. It's amazing how long someone can pretend to be ok before they actually are.

It's also amazing how sad it is when you get used to missing someone. Does that make sense? ( I didn't mean to change from happy to sad so suddenly right there, but hey, it happens.) My aunt moved to New Zealand, and was only supposed to stay for a year, but she's now starting her third year there, and I've just...gotten used to missing her. The first time she came back to visit it was a big deal, but now I'm just so used to her being gone that this last time she visited, it wasn't very special. It's not something I'm always thinking about, but it was on my mind a little bit tonight so I thought I'd share in case anyone else can relate.
Speaking of missing people, I miss Gesala SO much. I've gotten two letters from her recently and have yet to find a good chunk of time to sit down and write back to her (feeling guilty about that), but I hope she knows how much I miss her. One person can change the world, let me tell ya. Maybe not the whole world, but mine for sure. Germany is too far away.

School lately is, well, school. I'm really not into the bitch-and-moan method of getting work done though, so I'm not really going to complain. All my grades are decent, and the homework could be a lot worse. The only thing that's always in the back of my mind is this stupid author presentation, which wouldn't even be an issue if I had the books I needed. Does anyone have any Edgar Allen Poe books just lying around? I'd like to borrow them, if you wouldn't mind. Someone (I think I might know her, actually....) checked out the library's entire selection. Grr. Hopefully HMMS has some useful stuff I can use, because I just happen to have some connections there. (Aren't you all so JEALOUS? Don't YOU wish that you knew some super cool middle school librarians?! HA! I knew it.)

Well, because I have to go to sleep now, and that was a fairly dull entry, I'll share with you the most amusing website EVER.

Prepare to be addicted.

Goodnight. ;)

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