Saturday, October 02, 2004


My oh my. Never before have I been this glad that it's Friday. I get to sleep in tomorrow! (Or today, technically, considering it's after midnight...) YAY! All day today I struggled to stay awake, and the nap I finally got to take at 4:00 was wonderful. I wouldn't have made it through this crazy night, otherwise.

First of all, the weather today sucked. It rained from about noon on, and the temperature was only somewhere around 40 degrees. Yuck. It made for quite an interesting and very very cold football game! It was sort of cheap that 1.) the game was non-conference, so the other team had about 4 fans, and 2.) it had to be raining so hard, keeping a lot of people at home. The Fan Van made it there though, and we braved the wind, cold, and rain, to watch those boys beat LaCrosse 34-0. Hooray for them. I do like football, but those harsh conditions were pushing my limits just a tiny bit. Hopefully the rain sticks to days other than Fridays for the rest of the season.

The dance was super fun. Our school really needs to have more casual dances, because they're so much fun AND dancing is good exercise! Overall, it was a good time, and it made me even more excited for Junior Girls. Junior Girls. AHH. It's really hard not to be thinking about that all the time, as far as who I'm going to ask. There's a list of potential dates, but it would help if they didn't have girlfriends or were somewhat interested in dancing (or somewhat interested in me wouldn't hurt, either). January is pretty far away, still, but I think it's a pretty normal thing to be freaked out about. I'm an officer, too, so how bad would it look if I didn't have a date? I guess we'll see. (Interested? I think you can figure out where to find me...haha) ;)

George W. Bush is coming to Wausau. Ugh. Especially with Young Dems this year, I'm feeling a sense of unity with those that think like me, which in turn creates an even bigger need for me to get out there and preach the idiocy of Mr. Bush and the benefits of having Mr. Kerry as president. I cannot vote yet. And that is really hard to accept, but the most I can do is campaign and encourage people to be informed. I will be extremely upset if G.W.B. is re-elected, but I'd be even more upset if I hadn't done anything at all to prevent it. There's not much of a difference I can make, but it never hurts to try and to contribute.

I am so grumpy, and I apologize to anyone who I have annoyed or pissed off this week. I'm sure there are plenty of you. I don't know for sure what's up lately, but this is probably the most stressed I have EVER been, and the abnormal stress level is creating all types of different emotions and mood swings. So I'm sorry, I really am, and I'm working on being happier and nicer and all that great stuff.

That important phone call turned into an e-mail, by the way, and no reply yet. Oh how I want a reply, any kind would be fine, as long as there is one. I refuse to worry about it, but hopefully things works themselves out. That's all for me tonight; it's time I make like a banana and split.

Goodnight ;)

Some people believe they have a purpose in life. A purpose to change the world and make it better. Sometimes that's true, and that's a great thing. But sometimes that person has their head stuck up their ass. That person is you. From what I understand about homecoming, it sucked this year. From top to bottom, a complete dissapointment. The fingers point at you. In a best case scenario there will be new officers next year for the class of 2006, because things were just atrocious for them this year. The song was nice, but would be completely expected from the group that sang it. Creative, clever and boring. I do give you credit for that. As for John Kerry, I do believe him to be the better candidate for president, but honestly, your support does not help his cause. Your one-sided and unaccepting personality will not help the cuase of anything you chose to argue for. As for junior girls, I think it would be best for you to change yourself to become somewhat appealing to someone of any gender. Otherwise, I do believe your dance experience will be a dissapointment. Not that you'll see it anyway, your personality clouds your view of the world entirely. Your grumpiness has been noticed and have faith that people have considered it. The decision made, is that you have no reason to be grumpy. You are being incredibly selfish and heartless. The world that you see seems to be centered around you and you alone. This isnt fair to others, those who were once your friends, but now your enemies, not because they want to be, but because you have pushed them away. Take notes on this: Don't pity yourself and expect others to make you happy, when you put no effort forth yourself. Don't take your anger out on others because they can't make you happy. It's not their fault. Life will not conform to make a bright perky person out of you. You have to build yourself around life.

A past friend
Some people believe they have a purpose in life. A purpose to change the world and make it better. Sometimes that's true, and that's a great thing. But sometimes that person has their head stuck up their ass. And that person is whoever wrote the comment before this. Do you get some kind of a rush from putting other people down?. Nice to know you practice what you preach, Asshat. Homecoming didn't suck, with the theme we had I'm surprised it turned out as good as it did. Now I don't know for sure, but from the tone of the post, it seems like you didn't involve yourself with the entire homecoming situation, and in my opinion, if you didn't try to make it better, then you shouldn't be complaining about it. I TOTALLY disagree with the one-sided personality comment, everybody is a little bit one-sided, they even made a word for it: stubborn. Now all admit I don't know Allison that well, but from what I do know, she's pretty tolerant, which is more than I can say about you buddy. Now I can honestly say, that while not a political man (yes i am a man, which defeats your whole "I think it would be best for you to change yourself to become somewhat appealing to someone of any gender." arguement, Haha owned), I prefer Bush/Cheney and so what, as the great Mr. Maher once said "If you want to keep your friends, don't talk about politics or prayer." So what if you and Allison don't agree, get over it. "Life will not conform to make a bright perky person out of you. You have to build yourself around life." I do agree with this, but you also have to realize that everyone has their moments, and you can't tell me you've never been depressed and mad at the world. Nobody is perfect, and to expect that is just unrealistic. Again, I don't know you, but I do know that you must not have been a very good friend. People don't push other people away on purpose, and if you were her true friend, you would have stuck with her and told her what bugs you without being an anonymous pussy and making her feel like shit. Take notes on this: Life is too short to live putting other people down. People won't conform to fit your idea of how people should be. Learn how to be accepting and tolerant. Some day you are going to work with someone who pisses you off, and your going to have to learn how to deal with it. High school is all about learning this fact, and you apparently haven't yet. Good luck to you and I hope that you learn that not everyone is going to be how you want them to be.


Someone who cares
WE LOVE ALLISON and to whoever wrote all those mean things pooh on you
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