Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I'm really tired

It might be related to the fact that I have been going to sleep much too late for the past couple weeks. It might also be related to the fact that I keep missing school and then working on my own to catch up (which just sort of hurts your brain sometimes, you know?). Ugh. Politics is taking over my life. After Nov. 2nd I'll actually have to attend all my classes everyday! (Unless Jorge el horible is reelected, then I'll miss the 3rd as well. We all mourn in our own ways.)
It's been too many days since my last entry, so I have to look back and see what's happened since then. Let's see.

Ah ha. I left off with the spectacular night of JK. That means that I have yet to write about Betty Crocker Day! And it was super. Good cookies, very cold/windy/yet fun maze of corn, delicious hot chocolate, and great conversation. Wonderful. ;)

Sunday was as Sundays should be; very lazy. That's all I have to say about that.

I think that all the Junior Girls madness is sorted out, and thank goodness for that. Hopefully on Friday there will be reason to celebrate (hint hint)- the girls need a weekend to kick it up and be happy. HOORAY FOR MY DRESS ARRIVING! It's so perfect and I'm very relieved.

Elizabeth Edwards shook my hand AND signed my shirt today. She also told me that the young women of this country will decide our future. Word. She was really nice and down to earth, and I'm glad I got to meet her. The rally wasn't too big, but it was still as exciting as all the other events. Am I being obnoxious in my Kerry/Edwards support? For some reason today I was extremely irritated by all the Republican folk and was feeling guilty about that. Normal? Abnormal? HAVE I GONE TOO FAR?! Ay caramba.

Last football game tomorrow night, and the weather's supposed to be fantastic, so yay for that. Plus, Thursdays are usually good for me because that means it's almost Friday, and I'm all about Fridays. Hope you have a good one. ;)

Right on to that...Jorge the terrible will not win
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